Lists of three or more items use a serial, or the Oxford, comma. The second episode of the second season is "Get Digging". Punctuation goes outside of quotation marks when the quoted information does not itself include them, especially for titles (e.g. Though language adheres to the American conventions, grammar will more often than not use British conventions. Similarly to language, conventional grammar exists differently between the United States and overseas. If you do, however feel that you do not have great grammar and/or spelling, there are many spell checkers available online, so use them to your benefit. If English is not your first language and you make grammar mistakes, that's ok. We ask all of our editors to try to use the best grammar possible. This wiki generally tries to have good grammar in the writing of its articles.

Also, American English uses commas to separate thousands and a decimal point to separate units from tenths, for example: "2,763" or "1.99". Some terms, such as "aeroplane" in British English and Australian English is transferred in American English as "airplane". This is absent in American English, so the "u" in the "or" suffix is dropped. Generally, something present in British English, Australian English, and other types of English is the addition of a "u" in words, such as "humour", "colour", "favour" and "labour". Generally, some other styles of English spellings come into place. In the Source Filmmaker Wiki, American English is primarily used, mainly due to the fact that the show was created in The United States of America, and using American English spellings, pronunciations, and other language conventions. Spelling, language, and grammar Language